Friday, March 18, 2005

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Spring Break

This week was spring break for my older daughter, so my younger daughter got a break from daycare too. Their dad took them to the zoo yesterday and to the movies today. They saw "Robots", which the girls liked, but the grown up took a nap in. Our closest zoo is not much of a zoo, but it does have some fantastic giraffes, that you can feed crackers. Every time the girls go to the zoo this is their favorite part of the trip, feeding the giraffes. Hopefully, I can get a picture up soon of the giraffes and the trip to the zoo. My treat, I got to buy a new washing machine today to replace the one that decided to pour gallons of water out the bottom of it last week! It is a very nice washing machine, and Lacks loves me, everytime I pay down my account I buy something else.